Thursday, March 13, 2014

Cold Sores

I've never had a cold sore (and really hope I don't ever get one) but now I know what to use if I did. Our nine year old son, Jacob came to me one day complaining about this sore on the corner of his mouth.


I know you can barely see it, but even though it was small it had all the classic hallmarks of a cold sore and trust me, we didn't want it to get any bigger! More importantly, to my son it was huge, painful, and embarrassing.  (He actually got a similar one on the other side of his mouth the next day.)  As it started to crust over a bit, I thought "Great!  What are we in for here?"

I immediately grabbed my Modern Essentials book (a.k.a. "my essential oil bible") and looked up which oils would help.

As you can see, there are several oils you can choose from, but I decided to simply go with the top two recommended essential oils; melalueca and melissa.  He just dabbed a tiny bit of these oils on the sores a few times a day for about 5-6 days and voila!  The sores disappeared and Jacob's beautiful blemish-free smile returned!  I had him continue with only melaleuca for a few more days just to be 100% sure we had completely eradicated them (because you don't want something as nasty as a cold sore to rear it's ugly head again).

While I have no personal experience with cold sores, I've seen my friends deal with them...and they get huge, cracked, painful, oozy sores that last for weeks and weeks before they fade completely away.  We feel so blessed and confident to be armed with such powerful TOOLS against viruses like herpes simplex and Jacob will be ready the next time he feels even the tiniest twinge of a cold sore coming on!